And because I play some games, I was amused about this post I found on facebook so I decided to repost it.
Reason #1: We make awesome dates Gamers have the tendency to put their imagination in everything. Because we spend a lot of time playing games, contrary to what other people think we don’t see the world as mundane or boring, we actually see it as our own personal playground. Every single date is an adventure. We’re usually game (yes I just had to) for anything. In fact, we’re so game (yes I had to do it again) we think of the most creative, silly and unique ways to go on a date.
Reason #2: We are low maintenance To complement the previous reason, as much as we enjoy going out on dates, we’re pretty much fine with just staying in, ordering pizza and just, well… playing a game or going on movie marathons. Regardless whether we’re having a date outside or inside the house, we find ways to make it awesome. Although it is nice to be treated somewhere fancy, we have no qualms with just having beer and playing monopoly at home.
Reason #3: We know our machines We won’t nag you about fixing our computer. Chances are we already know how to fix our system (and yours too!) We know what HDMI cables are, what GeForce is and the difference between HD space and RAM. And even if we don’t know exactly what it is, we are not afraid to learn. Even the most casual of gamers have a working knowledge of their system. We won’t wake you up in the middle of the night because we can’t connect to the internet.
Reason #4: We are thoughtful When we give gifts, we don’t just give gifts for the heck of it. A stuffed bear? A bouquet of roses? No, that’s just too easy. We want to give you a gift that truly means something to you. We search and investigate about what you really want. For us, gift-giving is a challenge. We don’t take it for granted. There’s that one gift out there that would draw out the best response from you and we, being gamers, take on that challenge like a Final Fantasy mission.
Reason #5: We are prepared for a Zombie Apocalypse We are not just prepared to destroy the traditionally slow undead, we are also prepared for fast zombies, Jockeys, Spitters, Boomers, Chargers… yes, all those late night Left 4 Dead sessions will save our asses. Once a Zombie Apocalypse breaks out (and come on, we all know it’s going to happen really soon) you will need someone experienced to fight with you. We’re the best ones to have by your side. Not only do we know how to deal with every kind of zombie imaginable, our experience in co-op will make us a valuable ally. You won’t die with us around.
Reason #6: We don’t give up easily No matter what kind of problems we’re facing, we always, always find a way to make things work. If something isn’t going as planned, we look for alternatives and other buttons to push. Blame it on the frustrating hours playing Lufia 2 on the SNES. A gamer will always find a way to solve a problem. We won’t give up on you.
Reason #7: We are not clingy Gamers recognize the value of alone time. We respect your privacy and don’t intrude with your affairs. We are neither possessive nor jealous. You want to go out with your friends late at night? Okay, sure. We don’t demand that you give up your whole life for us, we’re happy with what we can get. We don’t demand that you’re at our beck and call 24/7.
Reason #8: We can be your fanboy/fangirl Have you seen all those PS3/XBOX fan wars? Well… gamers are devoted, passionate and extremely loyal, almost to a fault. When we like something, like really like something, we go all out. We will admire you and support you in whatever you do and you can bet your socks that we will defend you to the death.
Reason #9: We don’t mind waiting Aside from the fact that we’re so used to staring at a loading screen, making us patient little buggers, gamers usually have at least one portable gaming device. So, you’re going to take 2 hours more to get ready for our date? Okay, that’s good. We can level up while waiting. It’s a win-win situation.
Reason #10: We are heroes All gamers are heroes. Even the ones who like to play the bad guy. Deep inside, we are all hard wired to save the world and save you from harm. Hey, if an Italian plumber can go through dungeon after dungeon to save an elusive princess, we as gamers can go through anything and do anything just to be with you. Sing with me now… I am a man who will fight for your honor, I’ll be the hero you’ve been dreaming of~
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